COVID-19 Update

We understand the concern about the spread of COVID-19. AUT is proactively following Ministry of Health guidelines. While the risk is currently very low in New Zealand, we have a number of measures in place to look after everyone at the AUT Gym.

Our current cleaning protocols

  • No towel, no workout. Using a towel protects you and other gym users. Towels are available for hire at reception if you forget.
  • Use the disposable antibacterial wipes supplied to wipe down any equipment (including mats) before and after use.
  • Staff clean high touch points and equipment frequently throughout the day. We use VIRUSAN spray, which is also used in hospitals.
  • Daily clean by the university cleaning company.
  • Displaying posters on how to wash hands thoroughly.

We ask you to also manage your own health

  • Don't come to the gym if you're unwell with a cough, cold or other flu-like illness, or are in close contact with anyone who is unwell. If you're concerned call Healthline 24/7 on 0800 358 5453.
  • If you need to cough or sneeze, use a tissue then wash your hands, or cough or sneeze into your elbow.
  • Wash or sanitise your hands thoroughly when you arrive and leave the AUT Gym. We have hand sanitiser units around our gyms.

Thanks for your co-operation in helping maintain a healthy environment in our gyms. We will post updates if anything changes.

It’s important to continue to exercise to keep in shape, reduce stress and strengthen your immune system, so see you in the gym soon.

Hygiene at the AUT gym